Thursday, September 23, 2010

There is no justice in the world

Its about to happen again, regardless of the extreme lengths I have gone to to avoid it, no matter how sore my calves are, how many huge, painful, purple blisters I have on the bottoms of my feet, I clearly will never avoid the inevitable...


Why oh why??  How oh how?  I give up!  I'm going shoe shopping this weekend!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Holy BPMs Batman!

So this weekend basically fit the definition of weekend warrior, with one exception, I mostly battled against a migraine!  At 3:30 on Friday, I was hit with the dreaded headache.  I was able to get in under control by late Friday night, and decided to try to salvage some kind of workout, so I did the 30 Day Shred DVD from Jillian Michaels...BIG MISTAKE!  I was so sore the next day that it really hindered my performance for the rest of the weekend.

Saturday morning I woke up with the same headache and lots of schoolwork to do.  I was determined to train despite the aches, and so I went to the gym for a single-leg drill session.  The bike went well, however by the end of the hour, I was in intense pain (both from my headache and my soreness), so the swim didn't happen.

Sunday, my headache was back with a vengeance, so I decided to go ahead and take some more medicine.  I tend to take decongestant because it opens my blood vessels and is usually the only thing that helps.  I then took Charlie out for our run, and according to my HRM, my heart rate got up to about 205 beats per minute!  I felt fine, but was a bit worried about such a high heart definitely led to a great calorie burn.  I'm sure the decongestant led to the racing heart.

Another lesson learned on my run is that the world's clumsiest person (yours truly) should really not try to be an athlete.  I hit an uneven part of concrete, and hit the ground.  My sunglasses flew off and I dropped Charlie's leash.  I have to give it to my sweet and caring husband that we didn't even laugh, although I'm sure I looked pretty hilarious trying to keep myself upright.  In the end, I failed to keep myself standing, but emerged injury free!

The cycle on Sunday was good, except I was completely exhausted and ended up cutting my distance in half.  I also learned that my bike computer might be fast, meaning I've been riding shorter distances at a slower pace than I thought...that's unfortunate!  Jeff's going to try and fix it for me so I can see how slow I really am.  I am hoping for a 20 MPH average on the bike, so it looks like I've got some more training to do!

I will be traveling a bit more this week, so wish me luck!

Here's this week's schedule:
Monday: 2500 meter swim, weights
Tuesday: 60 min bike, 1200 swim
Wednesday: 6 Mile Run
Thursday: 50 mile bike
Friday: 12100 meter swim, 45 min bike
Saturday: 5 mile tempo run, 30 min bike, weights
Sunday: off

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back with a Vengence

Hi followers,
So sorry its been a while since I posted.  Life has been CRAZY!  I think that things are finally coming to a point where I can breathe a bit.  I just got home from vacation, and with less than a month until my next race, I will be training full force.  The past month has been a bit slow on the workout front, but I still have all my confidence (it might be false confidence, but its still there nonetheless).  Tonight its a 5 mile run and 2000 meter swim along with some weight training!  I'll let you know how it goes.

Here's the rest of the week's schedule:

Friday: 20 mile bike, 1000 meter swim
Saturday: 40 mile ride, 1000 meter swim
Sunday: 15 mile bike, 4 mile run

Hope to come back with a good report for you all soon!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A not so hot week

So after the blackhole weekend, the training dearth continued.  Last week was one of the busiest work weeks I can remember, and the next two are not going to be much better.  I also started classes again Wednesday, so that will add to the pressure.  I recently read about a study where one group of subjects were asked to resist cookies and the other were allowed to eat the cookies.  They were then asked to participate in an impossible to solve puzzle.  Those who resisted the cookies gave up much sooner than those who did not.  The conclusion of the study was that we have a limited amount of self-control and we can actually run out!  This made perfect sense to me because anytime I've been very good on a diet, I end up shopping too much.  So, I need to find some way to indulge (and one that's not going to derail my progress or drain my bank account) so I have the motivation to keep going!

I am officially signed up for my first training race, The US Open Olympic Triathlon in Dallas on October 10th!  I'm going for a 3 hour finish, so this month's training is essential. Here's the schedule for this week and it HAS to happen, so no tempting me to go out to dinner with you, and no emailing me after hours!

Sunday: 2000 Meter Swim, 4 Mile Run
Monday: 2 Hour training ride indoors (speed and individual leg work), Weights
Tuesday: 40 Minute ride, 40 minute swim  (speed work)
Wednesday: 50 Minute Run, 40 Minute Ride, Weights
Thursday: 200 Meter Swim, Weights
Friday: Off
Saturday: 60 Mile ride

I will try to post these on Daily Mile as I go so my Widget stays up-to-date.  I have fresh determination this week, so LET'S DO IT!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blackhole Weekend

So this weekend's training, not so much!  We went to San Antonio for a little mini-vacation.  Spent Saturday and Sunday at Fiesta Texas and Sea World, so I did a lot of walking...that will make me an ironman right?  Not likely!  In the end, I took a few days off from training, but got back into the saddle (literally) yesterday with a solid 16 mile ride and 4 mile run.  I actually felt great after the break so I didn't lose too much momentum.  This week's schedule is pretty similar to last week's as far as training.  Wednesday is a swim/bike, Thursday is a swim/run, Friday I am going to do a 2 hour ride/easy swim, then shoot for 50 mile bike on Saturday.  Sunday is a bike/long run. 

One thing I haven't been able to incorporate consistently thus far is my strength training so that's my goal for this week.  I need to get at least 3 days of strength training a week especially during this base-building phase.  I'm too addicted to high impact exercise in general, so I tend to avoid lifting...all the standing around really bugs me.  I end up doing jumping jacks or jump squats in between sets, and all the big beefy guys look at me like I'm insane.  Of course most of them couldn't even do a jumping jack because they avoid cardio like the plague!  As my brilliant  nephew once pointed out after seeing a body builder at the gym, "When you're really strong, you walk funny!"

So here's to the rest of this week building basal cardio fitness and strength!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Becoming the master of my fears (aerobars)

This weekend was one of the best rides I've ever had, and quite an enlightening experience.

About a year ago, I had my bike fitted with aerobars.  Using the bars gives you a good posture break, forces you to engage your glutes more while cycling, and makes you more aerodynamic.  For the past year, I have been too chicken to ride for more than 10 seconds on the bars.  When you get down there, you feel every little breeze, bump, and wiggle, and its harder to stay in control of the bike.  Most of you know that I am extremely clumsy, and one of my biggest fears has been wiping out on my bike.  So, Saturday I set out for a long, flat ride and was determined to conquer my fears and go aero.

Here's the thing, it was so simple.  I put one hand down, then the other, and rode to my heart's content!  I averaged 20 mph the whole ride and was much more comfortable and confident than ever before.  I learned once again that the fear was all in my head.  I had spent over a year feeling too nervous and scared to just take "the leap."  Its almost funny to think of something as small as changing bike positions, but its so true of so many things we don't do because we are afraid.  So what's the worst that can happen?  I crashed!

At the very end of the ride, I overshot a curve, went off the trail and crashed.  I got some good road rash and a sore shoulder, but I'm fine, and suddenly I'm not afraid anymore!  The most empowering thing about being an athlete is the knowledge that you have control over your body.  Its the confidence that comes with knowing you can push through pain, that you have the strength to endure.  But its also being able to mentally overcome your fears, your past, who you think you are.

I have labeled myself as uncoordinated and clumsy, so I've always feared riding fast, going aero, crashing, but today I know that I'm more than those things.  I have gained a few extra ounces of mental muscle that I know will be essential when the gun goes off in May and I become an Ironman!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Biking fail and other embarrassing moments

So Tuesday, I decided to do my ride outdoors since its been rather cooler than usual.  I got out my bike, aired up the tires, put on my helmet, gloves, heart rate monitor, and shoes, loaded up the water bottles, walked my bike to the front door and...

The front tire was flat again...bad tube.  I was so limited on time and my expertise in changing tubes is terrible that I just gave up and went to the gym to ride the spin bikes (not quite the same but as close as I was going to get).  My perfect husband always changes my tubes for me, so I'm no pro.  I better learn seeing as how I might blow a tire 100 miles into the Ironman and I need the skills to save myself.  So...Jeff you better teach me again (so I can forget again).

Another amusing incident in training thus far...went to the gym in Austin for a bike/run while on a trip.  Ran about 2 miles before my bike, then went into the spin room where there are copious mirrors.  I noticed a spot on the back of my capris and reached back to see what it was a hole!  My pink panties were peeking out of my black pants!

What could I do, I didn't have a different pair of pants and I wasn't about to give up the workout, so I went ahead and rod.e  I'm sure the guy on the bike behind me was laughing all the time.  I actually took a picture of it when I got back to the hotel, but I'll spare you that!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

This week's schedule

Here's the training schedule for the week of July 26:

Monday: Swim speed drills, total distance 1500 meters, weight training

Tuesday: 20 Mile bike, flat road, fast cadence, 4 mile run

Wednesday: Endurance swim, total distance  2400 meters, 15 mile bike, hill intervals

Thursday: 2 mile swim, 5 mile tempo run

Friday: Short easy swim, weight training

Saturday: 30 mile bike

Sunday: 6 mile run, 10 mile bike

Weekly total time: 8:05

Its going to be a crazy week, but I will do my best to get all of these workouts in.  This is actually the first week of structured training and will increase weekly as we go!  I'm getting pretty pumped about having a structured training schedule again.  First race is in two months.  Its an Olympic and I'm hoping to finish in 3 hours, so I'm going to be focusing on speed and form!  Feel free to ask me if I've gotten my workouts in as that's the whole point of the blog, to keep me on track!

Swim Fit Test

This week, I did my swim fit test, a good benchmark that I will be repeating every 6 weeks as I get into training. What did I learn? I'm slower than Moses!! I am hoping to do a few sessions with a swim coach soon to help improve my form and pick up my speed.

For those who are interested, in the fit test you warm up, then swim 8 100 meter swims with 20 seconds rest in between. The goal is to work harder and increase your speed on each lap. You record your heart rate and rate of perceived exertion (RPE). As training continues, I should be able to swim faster with a lower heart rate and RPE.

Here are my baseline stats:

2:13,  HR 151, RPE 7
2:30, HR 155, RPE 7.5
2:29, HR 159, RPE 8
2:27, HR 160, RPE 8
2:23, HR 166, RPE 9
2:20, HR 169, RPE 9.5
2:13, HR 172, RPE 10

I would like to get these down below 2 minutes by the next swim test in 6 weeks. Bike and run test will be done this week, so I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Its Official

I have officially registered for the Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas. Its going to by May 21st in the Woodlands so mark your calendars to come out and see me. I have a total of 17 hours to complete this feat, so if you're coming, bring a long book! Here's the race website if you're interested. I am going to be doing several "training" races leading up to the big day and will post about those as they get close.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Going Barefoot

In my illustrious, long, if unremarkable running career, I have been fairly injury free. Aside from a stress fracture last year, I’ve never had an injury that sidelined me from running! What I have worn with pride (only amongst other runners) are two black toenails. I have tried countless different shoes in various sizes, widths, and flavors but have yet to find something that didn’t create large blisters underneath the toenails on my second two on both feet. These blisters then break but not before destroying the nail bed and discoloring my toenail. As this occurs day after day, the texture of the nail changes and becomes a thick, black, “nail” that resembles shale. This is truly both shocking and unjust given the fact that I am not one of those freaks with a longer second toe than their big toe, (you know who you are Ms. my second toe is as long as my pinky finger), in fact I have an ENORMOUS big toe that is totally out of balance with the rest of my toes. Seriously, its like one of those giant, bulbous lollipops! No one can explain why my second toes take such a beating and the podiatrist’s explanation was “that’s what you get for being a healthy runner.”

Of course every time I go for a pedicure, the sweet ladies are repulsed, get out the rubber gloves, and ask me “This fungus? What happen to toe?” Other patrons overhear and look down at my toe with different shades of horror, immediately assuming they are going to contract a deadly fungus from sitting next to me. “No, its just from running,” I stammer as loudly as I can looking pointedly at Judgy Judy sitting across from me (as if she’s never had an embarrassing deformity). I hand over my red/black polish which is the only color I can wear given the natural hue of 1/5 of my “horn like envelopes covering the dorsal aspect of the terminal phalanges of my toes” which to my surprise is the technical definition of toenail. Clearly, something has to change as I gear up to train for the 140.6!

Enter barefoot running. I have now completed 3 barefoot runs, and I’m LOVING it. I’m doing a combo of totally barefoot and the new Vibram Bikila. The first few runs have resulted in extreme soreness in my calves and lower legs that have led to me appearing even clumsier than ever and getting offered a wheelchair at the airport (which I declined after seriously considering it). But I’m working up to it and could almost walk normally today despite running 2 barefoot miles yesterday.

Today’s workout is a 30 minute swim and 60 minute bike (indoors since I’m traveling), plus a super short run to keep strengthening those barefoot muscles!

Out with the old, in with the Aging

This year, I am 29 years old and the big 3-0 is looming. I’m excited about the milestone and feel it is worth marking! When I turned 18, I ran a marathon. Throughout my 20s I did a few marathons and got into triathlons. So, moving into my 30th year of life, I have decided to celebrate by completing an Ironman. I’m going to need your help, so I’m starting this blog to chart my progress, share the ups and downs of training, and motivate myself on the though days! For those of you who know me, you know I travel for my job, so that’s the first challenge! I’m also in the midst of getting an MBA which takes up some time as well. I expect many of my workouts will occur when you are all snug as bugs in bed; but I’m ready to commit to this journey, and I hope you’ll share it with me!