Sunday, August 22, 2010

A not so hot week

So after the blackhole weekend, the training dearth continued.  Last week was one of the busiest work weeks I can remember, and the next two are not going to be much better.  I also started classes again Wednesday, so that will add to the pressure.  I recently read about a study where one group of subjects were asked to resist cookies and the other were allowed to eat the cookies.  They were then asked to participate in an impossible to solve puzzle.  Those who resisted the cookies gave up much sooner than those who did not.  The conclusion of the study was that we have a limited amount of self-control and we can actually run out!  This made perfect sense to me because anytime I've been very good on a diet, I end up shopping too much.  So, I need to find some way to indulge (and one that's not going to derail my progress or drain my bank account) so I have the motivation to keep going!

I am officially signed up for my first training race, The US Open Olympic Triathlon in Dallas on October 10th!  I'm going for a 3 hour finish, so this month's training is essential. Here's the schedule for this week and it HAS to happen, so no tempting me to go out to dinner with you, and no emailing me after hours!

Sunday: 2000 Meter Swim, 4 Mile Run
Monday: 2 Hour training ride indoors (speed and individual leg work), Weights
Tuesday: 40 Minute ride, 40 minute swim  (speed work)
Wednesday: 50 Minute Run, 40 Minute Ride, Weights
Thursday: 200 Meter Swim, Weights
Friday: Off
Saturday: 60 Mile ride

I will try to post these on Daily Mile as I go so my Widget stays up-to-date.  I have fresh determination this week, so LET'S DO IT!


  1. Interesting Study... thanks for sharing. I used to be active. Not anymore, post baby I'm just starting to go back to the gym, for ... ergh.. a yoga class, not really exercise, just stretching and breathing. I'll keep reading your blog and help myself to the inpiration!

  2. Im giving you a blog award! check out my blog to check it out!

  3. My tri is in Nov. Happy your tri schedule is somewhat like mine - however, I need to up my milage on the bike and add weights.

    GOod luck this week.
